
u to go up in the CSG tree
l to go left in the CSG tree
r to go right in the CSG tree
w to write a screen dump to file: gigsdump.tif in the prod dir.of the active project
m to change the mouse tracking speed (default set to: 4)
x to save an animation file (save ani)
y to save a still file (save still)
- to step 1 frame backwards in the animation
+ to step 1 frame forwards in the animation
1 to activate cam1
2 to activate cam2
3 to activate cam3
a to toggle between the anicam or modeling cam
z to zoom the camera
p to move (Position) the camera
o to orbit the camera (orbit coi)
i to track the camera
f to focus the camera (magnify)
c to select a coi for the camera
h to activate this Online manual (help)
P to move the active model
O to rotate the active model
I to scale the active model
n to name (tag) current solid
v to display the postion of the active camera
j to activate or create a project (set project)
g to activate a tag (get solid tag)
q to togle between xy, x, y and x=y (xy)
t to raytrace the active window (render window)
s to create a deactivate a subwindow
d to select render detail
k to render the active window using the raysketcher.
In the Organic and Particles tools, the following keyboard shortcuts are available:
u to go up in the CSG tree
l to go left in the CSG tree
r to go right in the CSG tree
- to step 1 frame backwards in the animation
+ to step 1 frame forwards in the animation
= to step 1 frame forwards in the animation
Ctrl r to start recording (record)
Data boxes are not always updated when using keyboard shortcuts.
Keyboard shortcuts are not available in all menus.
Using the entry boxes in Particles, Organic, TextureEditor, Converter, ProjectManager, and Online
These keys have the following functions in the entry boxes:
Backspace: to delete characters before the cursor or
to clear the whole entry box when the cursor is at the beginning
Esc: to bring reset the entry box with the previous content
Home: to set the cursor at the beginning of the entry box
End: to set the cursor at the end of the entry box
Arrow keys: to move the cursor for and backwards