
abs - get the absolute value of an image
add - add two images together
addframe - add a border to an image
addnoise - add noise to an image
assemble - assemble an array of smaller images
blend - linearly interporlate two images
blur - low pass filter an image
cglue - create an rgb image out of 3 black and white images
colorbars - generate NTSC colorbars
convolve - convolve an input image with a kernel
crop see subimg
cscale - scale (change) the rgb colors of an image
duotone - make a color duotone image from a black and white image
fieldmerge - merge two field images into one frame
fitimg - force an image to be a specific size.
fromalias - converts an Alias image to an Iris image
frombin - create an RGB Iris image file from a binary dump of image data
fromgif - convert a GIF image into an IRIS image
gammawarp - lighten or darken an image
gendit - perform general image dithering
greyscale - make different patterns
halftone - half-tone an image
hipass3 - high pass filter an image
hist - compute and display the histogram of an image file. see also perhist
iavg - average a set of images
iblend - blend two images using a mat
iflip - flip an image
image2vrml - convert an image file into a VRML ImageTexture and indexed
imgexp - expand the range of pixel values in an image.
imgsize - print the size of an image
imgwrap - shift pixels left one bit.
istat - print the header information of a list of image files.
izoom - magnify or shrink an image
luminance - see setlum
matte composite - see iblend
max - get the maximum of two images
min - calculate the minimum of two images
mirror - see iflip
movie - show a series of images in a sequence
mult - multiply two images
perhist - print percent histogram values for an image
quant - quantify an image
rectimg - display a color or BW image on the iris
repcolor - replace specified colors within an image
saturate - change an image's saturation
scale - see izoom
setlum - modifies the luminance on an image
sharpen - see hipass3
shear - shear an image diagonally
slide - zoom an image up for full screen display
sub - subtract two images
subimg - extract a sub-region from an image
thresh - threshold one image with another
tile - repeats an image in two dimensions
toalias - Convert an IRIS image to an Alias image
vhist - display a 3-D volume histogram of a color image
zoom - see izoom
information is also available online.
Type man followed by the toolname gives the manualpage for that tool.
Example : man abs followed by a return will give the following info:
abs - get the absolute value of an image
abs inimage outimage
abs generates outimage which contains the absolute value of the input
image. This treats input values as signed 8-bit quantities. Input
values of 0 map to white. 255 also maps to white. 128 maps into black.
add - add two images together
add inimage1 inimage2 outimage
add takes inimage1 and inimage2's intensities and adds them together and
stores the result in outimage. If the sum is greater than 255 the result
is set to 255.
addframe - add a border to an image
addframe inimage outimage [width [r g b]]
addframe adds a constant width border to a monochrome or color image. The
default width is 1 pixel, and the default color is black.
addnoise - add noise to an image
addnoise inmage outimage noiseimage mag
addnoise adds noise from the noise image to the input image. The noise
image tiles the input image. The magnitude of the noise is scaled by a
floating point magnitude mag. It's range is [0.0 ... 1.0]. 0.0 adds no
noise into outimage, while 1.0 add alot of noise. Typicaly randimg is
used to create a noise pattern (histeq can also be used).
assemble - assemble an array of smaller images
assemble nx ny outimage imgfiles...
assemble assembles an nx by ny array of smaller images. The catch here
is that all images being assembled have to have the same x/y dimensions.
The nx by ny array works like this: nx is the number of images that are
going to be sitting side by side in the horizontal direction, and ny is
the number of images side by side in the vertical direction. Order
imgfiles so that the first image will be the one sitting in the bottom
left-hand corner of outimage, with the second sitting either above it or
to its right. If fewer than nx times ny images are given on the command
line, the last image is used repeatedly.
blend - linearly interporlate two images
blend inimage1 inimage2 outimage param
blend linearly interpolates two images. param is a floating point number
that controls the weighting of the two input images. A value of 0.0 will
use only imimage1, while a value of 1.0 will use only inimage2. Values
outside the range [0.0...1.0] will extrapolate instead of interpolate
between the two images.
blur - low pass filter an image
blur inimage outimage [pix] or [xpix ypix]
blur low pass filters the input image. This is done by izooming the
image down and then izooming it back up with filtering. The amount of
blurring is controlled by pix or xpix and ypix. A pix value of 10 will
cause the blur to zoom the image down until it is about 10 pixels across,
and then zoom it back up to the original size. Large pix values end up
making the result less blurry.
cglue - create an rgb image out of 3 black and white images
cglue red.bw grn.bw blu.bw outimage.rgb
cglue constructs an rgb image by combining three black and white (bw)
images. These black and white images are treated as intensity maps for
the red, green, and blue channels of the rgb generated image.
This program requires that all the source images on the command line have
the same x/y size.
colorbars - generate NTSC colorbars
colorbars is an NTSC colorbar generator. Using LEFTMOUSE, one can
alternate between four different standard colorbars patterns.
convolve - convolve an input image with a kernel
convolve inimage outimage kernelimage [-m -d]
convolve convolves the input image with a kernel image. Kernel images
can be created with the program greyscale. To do a convolution, the
kernel image is stepped across the surface of the input image. At each
position, all the image values under the kernel are multiplied by the
corresponding kernel values. The sum of all these products is divided by
the sum of all the values in the kernel. The result is put into the
output image. If the -m option is given, the maximum value of all the
multiplies is put into the output image instead of the normalized sum of
the products. If the -d option is given, a delta value is calculated
wherever the kernel is greater than 128.
crop see subimg
cscale - scale the rgb colors of an image
cscale inimage outimage.rgb r g b [-d]
cscale can be used to color balance an image by scaling the r, g, and b
channels by different factors. Each scale factor is an integer in the
range 0 to 255. A scale factor of 0 is interpreted to mean scale by 0.0,
while a scale factor of 255 means scale by 1.0. Each scale factor
multiplies a color channel of the source image. If the -d option is
given, the input colors are divided by the given factors.
duotone - make a color duotone image from a black and white image
duotone inimage.bw outimage.rgb r g b
duotone creates a duotoned color image from a single channel image. The
r g b arguments specify the color that a 50 percent gray value in the
source image should become in the duotone image. Try experimenting with
"doutone in.bw out.rgb 200 120 80".
fieldmerge - merge two field images into one frame
fieldmerge inimage0 inimage1 outimage
Standard NTSC Video displays 30 frames per second. Each frame is
composed of two fields that are interlaced. When recording video
animations it is sometimes good to record 60 fields per second, but to do
this two fields must be merged together into a single frame by
interleaving scanlines from two images. fieldmerge interleaves two images
in this way.
This program requires that all the source images on the command line have
the same x/y size.
fitimg - force an image to be a specific size.
fitimg inimage outimage xsize ysize
fitimg uniformly scales a picture to a specific size. This is
accomplished by scaling the image to be smaller than the specified size,
and surrounding it by a white border as needed to make the final image
exactly xsize by ysize pixels. The aspect ratio of the source image is
preserved. This is useful for making an array of images using
fromalias - converts an Alias image to an Iris image
fromalias aliasimage outimage.rgb
fromalias converts an Alias image to an IRIS image file image.
frombin - create an RGB Iris image file from a binary dump of image data
frombin image.bin outimage.rgb xsize ysize [zsize]
frombin reads a binary dump of some image data, and creates an IRIS image
file. If only xsize and ysize are given, then a single channel black and
white image is created. The first byte of the input file becomes the
lower left pixel in the resulting image. If a zsize of 3 is given, a
color image is created, by first reading all the red band, followed by
the green and blue bands.
fromgif - convert a GIF image into an IRIS image
fromgif inimage.gif outimage.rgb
fromgif converts a Compuserve GIF image file into an IRIS image file.
gammawarp - lighten or darken an image
gammawarp inimage outimage gamma
gammawarp lightens or darkens an image by changing the gamma. A gamma
value that is less than 1.0 will lighten grey tones, while a gamma value
that is greater that 1.0 will darken grey tones.
gamcal(6D), gamma(6D)
gendit - perform general image dithering
gendit inimage.rgb outimage.rgb nr ng nb [-s]
gendit uses an ordered dither to create an image with fewer colors. The
argument nr selects how many levels or red to use, while ng, and nb
select the number of green and blue levels respectively. The minimum
value for nr, ng, or nb is 2. The total number of colors used will be
nr*ng*nb. The "-s" option is used to offset the dither patterns used for
red, green and blue by 2 pixels.
greyscale - make different patterns
greyscale outimage.bw xsize ysize patternno
greyscale generates a variety of different patterns. A monochrome image
is created that is xsize by ysize pixels in size. patternno selects what
kind of image is created.
Patternno Description
0 ramp [0...255] in the X direction
1 ramp [0...255] in the y direction
2 circular ramp pattern
3 all white image of 255
4 horizontail stripes white and black
5 All black except 1% of pixels are in
the range [128...255]
6 black and white checker board pattern
7 grid pattern
8 gamma test pattern
9 gaussian in the x direction
10 gaussian in the y direction
11 contrast test image
12 all black image
13 all white image
14 random noise image
15 circle
16 rolf
17 sinusoidal line test image
18 Bayer threshold image for dithering
grid - generate a 10 by 10 grid
grid draws a 10 by 10 grid. This can be useful for aligning a camera to
the display. To exit this program, press any key on the keyboard, or
halftone - half-tone an image
halftone inimage outimage freq angle [patternno]
halftone converts the input image into a halftoned image, using
Hollaway's technique. The density of the halftone screen is controlled
by the floating point value freq. Smaller values of "freq" make a larger
dot pattern. The angle of the halftone patterns is controlled by the
argument "angle". The integer argument "patternno" selects the halftone
pattern. 0 is the default and creates a dot pattern. A pattern value of
1 will create a line screen, while 2, 3, 4, and 5 create other halftone
hipass3 - high pass filter an image
hipass3 inimage outimage mag
hipass3 performs a high pass filter on an image using a 3 by 3 filter
kernel. mag specifies how much to increase the high frequencies. A
value of 0.0 will not change the image. 1.0 will significantly increase
the high frequencies in the image.
iavg - average a set of images
iavg outimage imgfiles . . .
iavg averages a set of images. All the input images must be the same
xsize and ysize in pixels.
iblend - blend two images using a mat
iblend inimage1 inimage2 outimage matimg.bw
iblend blends between inimage1 and inimage2 to create outimage. Pixel
values from the image matimg.bw are used to select how much of inimage1
and inimage2 to use for each pixel. The output image will be the minimun
of the input image sizes.
iflip - flip an image
iflip inimage outimage [x y xy yx 90 180 or 270]
iflip flips an image in the following ways: either in the x or y
direction, with xy the upper-left and lower-right corners are flipped,
with yx the lower-left and upper-right corners are flipped, or rotates an
image 90, 180, or 270 degrees in a clockwise direction.
image2vrml - convert an image file into a VRML ImageTexture and indexed
face set
image2vrml [ -d ] [ -h | -? ] [ -e infofile ] [ -i inputfile ] [ -o
outputfile ] [ inputfile ]
image2vrml converts a GIF, JPEG, PNG, or SGI image into VRML scene graph
file format (an ImageTexture node and an indexed face set).
The program opens the image file to determine the type of image (.e.g.
GIF), the width and the height. The program generates a VRML file
containing an ImageTexture and IndexedFaceSet. To preserve the aspect
ratio of the image, the indexed face set's width and height are adjusted
appropriately. The program determines the smaller of the width and height
of the original image and then sets the corresponding side of the indexed
face set to one unit length. The longer side is then set to the correct
aspect ratio, always greater than or equal to 1.0.
-d turn on verbose messages for debugging purposes
-e infofile (default is stderr ) directs verbose information into a
-h|? prints out the usage message
-i inputfile (default is stdin ) specify the input file
-o outputfile (default is stdout ) specify the output file
image2vrml infile.gif
image2vrml -i infile.gif -o outfile.vrml
image2vrml -d -i infile.gif -o outfile -e logfile
imgsize - print the size of an image
imgsize inimage [-2]
imgsize prints the xsize, ysize, and zsize of the named image. If the -2
option is given, only the xsize and ysize are printed. This is useful in
shell scripts that perform a sequence of image processing operations.
imgwrap - shift pixels left one bit.
imgwrap inimage outimage
imgwrap shifts image pixel values left one bit.
istat - print the header information of a list of image files.
/usr/sbin/istat imagefiles . . .
istat prints the header information of a list of image files. x/ysize
give the image's screen size in pixels; zsize is the number of channels
in the image. An RGB image will typically have three channels, while a
Monochrome image will use one channel. Min and max are the range of pixel
intensity values in the image. Bpp describes how many bytes are stored in
each channel of the image; either 1 byte or 2 bytes. Type of image can
be NORMAL, DITHERED, SCREEN, or COLORMAP. Storage refers to the way the
data is compressed: rle is a run-length encoded image, verb is a
verbatim image which means the data is not compressed in any way.
istat *tif shows info of all files ending with tif
istat test* shows info of all files beginning with the letters test
izoom - magnify or shrink an image
/usr/sbin/izoom inimage outimage xscale yscale [-i -b -t -q -m or -g]
[-w blurfactor]
izoom magnifies or shrinks an image with or without filtering. xscale
and yscale are floating point scale factors. The filtering method is one
pass, uses 2-d convolution, and is optimized by integer arithmetic and
precomputation of filter coefficients. Normally izoom uses a triangle
filter kernel in both x and y directions.
The -i (impulse) option causes izoom to do no filtering as the image is
resized. The -b (box) option causes izoom to use a box as the filter
kernel. The -t (triangle) option is the default. The -q (quadratic)
option indicates that a quadratic function should be used as the filter
kernel. The -m option uses a Mitchell kernel and the -g option uses a
Gaussian kernel. The -w blurfactor option specifies the width of the
reconstruction filter. This will effect how blurry the resulting image
is. If you want more blur use a larger number. The default value is
NOTE: izoom does not work on dithered images which are nothing more than
color look-up table indices. To perform any such image processing one
must first use something like fromdi (in the moregltools subsystem, and
also can be found in /usr/people/4Dgifts/iristools/imgtools/fromdi.c),
which converts the dithered image into an RGB image.
max - get the maximum of two images
max inimage1 inimage2 outimage
max calculates the maximum of two images and puts the result in outimage.
min - calculate the minimum of two images
min inimage1 inimage2 outimage
min calculates the minimum of two images and puts the results in
movie - show a series of images in a sequence
movie images . . . [-sx]
movie shows a series of images as a movie. The -sx option causes the
movie to be surounded by a white frame. This program requires all the
source images on the command line have the same x/y size.
mult - multiply two images
mult inimage1 inimage2 outimage
mult multiplies two images. The value 255 is used to represent 1.0 while
0 represents 0.0.
hist - compute and display the histogram of an image file.
/usr/sbin/hist inimage
hist reads an image file specified by the user, then computes and
displays the histogram of the image file. The red hash-marks indicate
the boundaries of the range of intensities for a given image. The black
line starting in the bottom left corner and going up to the top right is
the indicator of the distribution function of the histogram.
Pressing LEFTMOUSE will print the pixel value currently under the cursor.
perhist - print percent histogram values for an image
perhist inimage [minpercent maxpercent] [-3]
perhist analyzes the histogram of an image and prints two pixel values.
1 percent of the pixels in the image will less than the first pixel value
printed, while 99 percent of the pixels will be less than the second
value printed. These two pixel values can be used as arguments to
"imgexp" to increase the contrast of an image with out loosing too much
detail in the shadows or the highlights. The default min percent and max
percent values are 1 perecnt and 99 percent by default, but these values
can be changed by specifying them on the command line. The "-3" option
causes the percent histogram values to be printed independently for each
channel of a color image.
imgexp - expand the range of pixel values in an image.
/usr/sbin/imgexp inimage outimage [min max]
imgexp expands the range of pixel values in an image. Pixel values less
than or equal to min are mapped to 0, while pixel values greater than or
equal to max are mapped to 255. If min and max are not provided on the
command line, then the minimum and maximum pixel values in the image are
used. This can be used to manipulate the contrast of images.
quant - quantify an image
quant inimage outimage nlevels
quant quantifies an image to have n levels. The output image will only
have nlevels different pixel values.
rectimg - display a color or BW image on the iris
rectimg inimage
rectimg displays a color or black and white image on the iris. This
program is a simple version intended primarily for demo use. This will
only work on machines that support RGB mode.
repcolor - replace specified colors within an image
repcolor inimage.rgb outimage.rgb ir ig ib or og ob dist
repcolor replaces colors in the input image that are within dist of ir ig
ib within the color or og ob. The arguments ir, ig, ib, or, og, and ob,
and dist should be values in the range of 0 to 255.
saturate - change an image's saturation
saturate inimage.rgb outimage.rgb satval
saturate changes the saturation of an image. A satval of 0.0 will make
the image black and white (no color). A satval of 1.0 will leave the
image unchanged. A satval of 2.0 will double the amount of color in an
setlum - modifies the luminance on an image
setlum inimage.rgb inimage.bw outimage.rgb
setlum modifies the luminance (brightness) of each pixel in the first
input image (inimage.rgb) to be the same as the pixel value in
shear - shear an image diagonally
shear inimage outimage slope
shear diagonally shears an image. If slope is 1.0, the shear will make
vertical lines into 45 degree diagonal lines. If slope is 0.5 the left
edge of the image gets transformed into a line that goes from the lower
left-hand corner into the middle of the top edge.
slide - zoom an image up for full screen display
slide inimage [backno]
slide zoom an image up to the full screen size for display. This is
useful when creating slides by photographing the screen directly. The
option backno is used to select the color that the screen should be
cleared to before drawing the image. backno can be one of three values,
0, 1, or 2. A value of 0 will draw a black background, a value of 1
draws a white background, and a value of 2 makes the background the same
color as the lower lefthand pixel in the image.
sub - subtract two images
sub inimage1 inimage2 outimage
sub subtracts two images. This caculates 128+(inimage2-inimage1).
subimg - extract a sub-region from an image
subimg inimage outimage x1 x2 y1 y2
subimg extracts a region from an image. The region to be extracted is
specified by x1 x2, y1 and y2. These coordinates are relative to the
bottom left corner of the image. Negative values may be used to give
coordinates from the upper right corner. To extract an image inset 10
pixels from a source image use coordinates 10 20 10 20.
subimg in.sgi out.sgi 1 720 64 513 makes an 720 x 450 image out of an 720 x 576 image
thresh - threshold one image with another
thresh inimage outimage threshimage
thresh thresholds one image with another. The threshimage is repeated to
tile the entire surface of the input image. Whenever the input image is
greater than the threshimage, the output pixel is made 255 otherwise the
output pixel is made 0. This can be used to halftone or dither images.
tile - repeats an image in two dimensions
tile inimage outimage xsize ysize
tile repeats an image in two dimensions. An output image that is xsize
by ysize pixels is created by repeating the input image.
toalias - Convert an IRIS image to an Alias image
toalias inimage.rgb aliasimage
toalias converts an IRIS image file to an Alias image format.
tobw - convert a color image to black and white
tobw colorimage bwimage
tobw converts a stored color image to black and white and saves it. The
color file must already exist as colorimage; the black and white file
will be named bwimage.
vhist - display a 3-D volume histogram of a color image
vhist inimage.rgb
vhist Displays the histogram of a color image using a 3 dimensional
representation. The rgb colors of the pixels in the image are mapped
into x, y and z directions inside a unit cube. This cubical
representation can be rotated interactively.