The old Minimixes
Mixes on CD
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About the original version
Drum theatre was one of the bands in a wave
of rock/dance acts like Duran Duran, Mister Mister and
Talk Talk (I sense a pattern here....)
About the minimix version
This is one of the early remixes, using the first Akai 612 Sampler
to ad drum and vocal effects. The phasing choir sounds are actually
made by sampling my own voice , and adding effects to this "Aaah" sample
Additional drum, sequencer and soundeffects are added with the akai sampler.
This first sampler could record one sample, and had a recording time of less
than 1 second. The sequences where played into the step-time sequencer of
a Korg poly 800 and synced to the music using a teac 4-track recorder.
LIEBRAND AUDIO is based in the Netherlands.